Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"It's High TIME to Exercise YOUR Essence"

Exercise Your Creator’s Essence -- Your Higher Essence -- Your Moorish Essence

Subliminally Speaking – our third eye is leaking! In-between your brows…
You gotta know your essence is PROFOUND.
Raise your head high -- and stop looking at the ground.

You have the ability to speak your dreams into reality – Through your crown chakra that is... Some say the Pineal... Google it, read about your capabilities… Tune into what makes you excel.
Nothing can stop your ability to propel.

The ability to speak your dreams into reality and blocking false theologies, mythologies and statistics. This defacto corporation is ridiculous.

Bust out a dictionary if I don’t get specific or creep over your head. This poetry is written to re awake what’s been mislead or dead.

Focus on mediation. It’s time to separate the wheat from the tier... Most people live in fear. A spirit we never had! Being chosen you must be glad.

Once the curtain falls you’ll see you’ve been had. Some maybe sad, but it’s time to get mad! There’s always time for peace, but now it’s time for WAR, a time to rise and a time to SOAR.. Your energy forever MOOR.  Stand and declare what’s yours. Your Nationality is time to get it back.

We are the chosen it’s as simple is that… your melanin in your skin is a representation of that, a fact. Be proud of this and never ever retract… It’s a representation of the true essence of creation. Stand on your square and FACE every nation.

We are Royalty! The entire CREW. Stand for what you believe and speak it until it comes TRUE.

Peace and Love to the Original Family,

Kindle Leather Cover, Black (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle)

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010


In this day and time I think it’s imperative we re-evaluate what is a friend and the purpose of friendship. My definition of friendship is Two or more compatible beings who share their experiences without hesitation; someone you can open up to and not feel ashamed about what happen to you or what situation you were just presented with or involved in.

A friend is someone you can laugh with, cry with, go out and toast to the sky with.

A friend knows your style, your type… will text or call no matter the time of the night.

A friend is encouraging; a friend stands in the gap! A friend with no doubt will ALWAYS have Yo’ BACK.

A friend is special. A friend is trustworthy. A friend is always with you on your journey. A friend corrects you when you’re wrong. A friend is someone you can lean on. A friend is someone you always want along.

Friends can agree to disagree. Friends can agree to see what the other sees. Friends are down for whatever… True friends will always be together.

Love many, but trust few… Your friends will always show their 100% true.

By Ceia White
All right reserved

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Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest Generation                                                   

Kindle Lighted Leather Cover, Black (Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display Kindle)

The Girl Who Played with Fire