Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm GRATEFUL Today and Forever...

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I’m GRATEFUL today & forever,

I LOVE the Most HIGH,

I’m Grateful for my Family & Friends,

I LOVE my Scholars,

I’m Grateful for communication, for sharing, and discussion.

I keep my ears OPEN and my eye on the PRIZE.

I’m GRATEFUL for the visionaries in my life, and for brainstorming,

I attract Abundance,

I’m Grateful for appreciation, respect, and TEAM work.

I will always do my part,

I’m GRATEFUL for positioning, dedication and DISCPLINE.

The BEST is yet to COME!!!
All Rights and Liberities Reserved







Saturday, January 5, 2013

Waters of NEW...

“Days are getting colder, but the REMINANT is getting Bolder; standing Shoulder to Shoulder to banish the BEAST.  Miss me with your satanic history, mysteries and double tongue speech.  I reject your deposit!  Shine a light on you to wipe out your thoughtless process.” Excerpt of Waters of New – All Liberties and Rights Reserved.

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