Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Lesser of 2 Evils

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The purpose of this Blog is to speak question into the Universe with hopes answers will begin to reveal themselves to the multitude of people who put their trust in man or woman.

What does the lesser of two evils mean?  Does it mean that you sacrifice your beliefs and lower your standards to adopt what the status quo is given you?  Does it mean that you are under a form of mind control?  Are you doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result?  Is that action considered insanity? 

          James 1:8 states, “a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” 

Don’t be unstable, be ye wise in your observance and ways.  Never allow your kindness to be taking for a weakness; it is your responsibility to embrace your worth, to love yourself, to love your people, and your Nation.

At any point in your life would you consider accepting anything less than Good or GREAT?  We must use the same measuring tool in every aspect that could affect us and our younger generations lives.  To many people want the focus to be on them when in actuality it should be on the children, our youth, and future generations.   We must focus on bridging the gap.  We can no longer point the finger or turn our nose up on “Generation Y”.  We must extend a hand, show some compassion, love, and knowledge of self.  When we see our younger generation moving in the wrong direction we must give some guidance.  Become the village of compassion our youth yearn for in the spotlight of the World who classifies them as thugs, monsters, and super predators.

Earlier today a brother spoke to my spirit so eloquently.  Brother El; you said a mouthful and I’m grateful I was in tuned to receive your message.  He spoke about our problems, mindset, unplugging, and the English language.   He asked if we were in “mourning” or resurrection?  He said when we say, “Good Morning, we mourn the dead.” He told us we are in the midst of warlocks and sorcerers and we must be aware of word spells in the form of spelling, and or casting spells. 

Stay with me and don’t get spooked.  We have to be willing to unlearn, learn, and be teachable to tap into our infinite source.  He communicated about having just as much compassion for each other as we do for other Nations.  Brother El added, that we must stop extending compassion to those who don’t value us as a people or a Nation.  In hindsight, compassion can be used as a double edge sword so we must never allow our kindness to be taken for a weakness.  We must operate in a unified mindset and use our divine intelligence and creativity because we are creative beings by nature.  We must realize that the only fear is coming from those around us that benefit from our lack of unity.  The unification of our Nation is the key, it’s a MAJOR KEY to our problems. 

Is the thought of our UNITY so far-fetched that you won’t take 20 seconds to imagine it in your mind?  Buying, supporting, and spending with your Nation.  Keeping your currency in your community for more than a few seconds.  Imagine fulfilling a community need and expanding it to other cities, counties, and states.  Moving with a since of urgency because you possess vision, wisdom, direction, and you know what you want.  Let’s start building a legacy and operating in TRUTH.  Let us not have a spirit of fear, but a spirit to change, to move, to create, and innovate.  A spirit to connect, bond, learn, build, teach and LIVE.

I like to say Peace to my Brothers and Sisters scattered abroad; keep your heads up and never settle for less.  Allow this message to resonated and move you to do something Bigger and Better, but most importantly rebuke the lesser evils and embrace the GREATER Good.  Let’s continue to study to show yourself approved and Fight for FREEDOM, Compassion, Justice, Equality, and Land.  #Power2ThePeople

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