Artificial Intelligence and Technology are being woven into the very fabric of our Society. It's rare to go out to dinner or a social event and people don't have their "Smart Phones" on display. I get it, trust me, at times I find myself guilty of this behavior. However, I do understand the importance of undivided attention so let's not lose site of being respectful and courteous in our interactions.
Recently, I was stunned over the controversial dialogue about sex dolls and the development of these Artificial simulators for Men in conjunction with the #METOO Campaign. The solicitation of these dolls have a strong resemblance of a black woman's genetic make up, but lack the interaction and responsibility of having a real woman. This topic is brewing and is currently in deliberation on how the effects will hinder, help, or damage the very concept of relationships.
Then we The People, the public are being slammed with allegations surfacing about groping, harassment, and sexual advances in Hollywood and various high places. So many exposed, and so many stories coming out at once can be confusing; and can ultimately turn the compassion of the people down to zero. The influx of scenarios arising out of these sexual misconduct allegations and cases can be a double edged sword. Some will care, but a majority will be tuned out of the tragedy and the importance of holding these people responsible for the abuse they caused. I'm certainly not a believer of coincidences, so at some point we have to see a bigger picture is forming on a suggestive way we should deal with one another regarding relationships, friendships, marriage, and business.
The time is NOW to balance the scales with another narrative. Something that will embrace unity between the Man, Woman, and Child and instill cohesiveness and respect in the workplace. Contrary to any one's belief nothing can replace the original woman because she is the Mother of Civilization and she will always reign supreme.
Lastly, according to the scriptures, we are here to be fruitful and multiply. Going against the very fabric of our existence can not be a good look for our future. In my opinion, we are also here to build a better Society for our younger generation. We are here to fulfill our PURPOSE, our DREAMS, and goals so stay steadfast, focused and guard your senses to not be easily lead astray.
Just some food for thought,
Royal Blogger