These tips can also help make everyday living easier and more efficient:
1. Fill up your gas tank, or at least leave it half full. Never let your gas tank run all the way down to almost empty. You’ll only stress yourself out, especially if the arrow on your gas tank indicator hovers dangerously near that “E.” At most, you can leave it a quarter empty. With enough gas in the tank, you can drive out of the city during an emergency. If the gas lines are too long, you won’t need to up immediately.
2. Hide some emergency money at home. Debit cards are convenient, but when banks suffer from a glitch or if there’s a power outage, you won’t be able to access your funds. Keep some money at home so you can at least buy food or other supplies during an emergency. (Related: Urban homesteading: Prepping tips for those who live in apartments or have limited space.)
3. Prepare a hard copy of all important documents like your phone contacts. An address book will help you keep track of important contact numbers. You can also use it to record the numbers of family members, especially if you’re bad at remembering things. This way, you can always contact them even after your cell phone’s battery has died.
4. Rotate the food in your pantry or stockpile. When buying extra food for your emergency supplies, pay attention to the expiration dates. “Rotate” the food and consume them before they expire. Never go all out during sales and only buy food that your family enjoys eating. Buying items no one likes will only be a waste of money.
5. “Two is one, and one is none.” Never let your pantry or stockpile run out of items that you constantly use or consume. If everyone in the family loves to eat beans or rice, buy two bags when you’re at the store. Do the same thing with supplies like toilet paper, and don’t wait until you’re almost out of something before you purchase more. This habit ensures that you’ll never run out of anything, and if a storm hits, you’ll have enough food to last the whole family for a while.
Courtesy of our Southern Royal Blogger - MW