Wednesday, November 20, 2013

12 YEARS A SLAVE: Are you a SLAVE??

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12 Years a Slave…
I had the pleasure of going to see this movie over the weekend with my BFF.  As we sat and watched this experience unfold I had so many questions.  First of all, if you were FREE… how could you be KIDNAPPED, Beaten, and forced to take on another identity under duress?  We watched a learned man go from being a Husband, a Father, and true Father Figure to a Slave with only a first name. 

We watched Caucasians, “So called Slave Masters” force human beings to deny their ability to read and write, deny their birth place and there given name.  We watched Caucasians beat men and women into submission to accept this false identity and reality.  My mind quickly shifted, and I questioned how could one be FREE and have papers that indicated their freedom, but experience such abuse for twelve years?  I also pondered if the “Papers” they kept referencing in the movie were his Nationality papers proving his Moorish decent?  The “Papers” were never identified in detailed, and this topic might go over a lot of people’s head while watching the movie, but it caught my attention and it’s my pleasure to bring it to yours as a reader of this blog.  What are these infamous “PAPERS” in question and most importantly, why did'nt they adhere to the claims of freedom?

Kidnapping is a CRIME!! According to Black’s Law Dictionary to be Kidnapped is the forcible abduction or stealing away of a man, woman, or child from their own country, and sending them into another. It is an offense punishable at the common law by fine aud imprisonment. 4 Bl. Comm. 219. In American law, this word is seldom, if at all, applied to the abductiou of other per- sons than children, aud the intent to seud them out of the country does not seem to constitute a necessary part of the offense. The term is said to include false imprisonment. 2 Bish. Crim. Law,

According to Cornell University Law School: Title 18 USC 1201: Kidnapping:  (a)Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person, except in the case of a minor by the parent thereof.

In the body of the storyline we watched hundreds of FREE Men, Women and Children get Kidnapped.  How many people endured this type of life style, how many of our ancestors were Kidnapped and forced to provide a slave labor?  How many of our ancestors were beaten, killed, and disfigured by these acts of deceit, wickedness and cruelty? 
So many of our people are reluctant to see this movie due to the emotions it will stir up, but for me it was a decision to take heed to how the slave trade could have really began.  How will we know if we don’t LISTEN, and take notes?   How will we learn if we don’t open ourselves up to the TRUTH?  This movie is based on a true story… If we don’t learn from our own HISTORY, we will repeat it and HIS-STORY.  Knowing the TRUTH will SET you FREE.  My intentions are for these questions to spark dialogue, to open up the Universe to answer and provide details to what happened to our Heritage, our legacy and our Ancestors.  Go see 12 YEARS of SLAVE and pay attention to the deeper meaning of the movie that I've suggested to you.

Peace and Love,

The CREW Royalty Chronicles



Monday, September 23, 2013


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Don’t believe everything you read and don’t believe everything you see!!  Because if you do you will quickly realize the Black Man in North and South America is being framed into being a horrific, terrorizing Menace II Society.  This portrayal is the furthest description from the truth.  The Hughes Brothers explained it best with their move title “Menace II Society”.  Hence, the II to be taken as a Jr, the second, or a Son of a condition or behavior.  Historically, it has not been the characteristics of the original man to perform such acts of hatred.  Hatred is a learned behavior.  Let’s quickly shift the focus to the history and the “Trail of Tears” of the United States Corporation and see the acts of hate and violence all over the world before the casting of judgment on a particular class of people.

The best advice I can give to anyone who stumbles upon my blog is to do your own research:

In this day and age of technology there is no excuse for one to just settle on what they’re being told by the controlled Media that operates under Yellow Journalism.  Yellow Journalism is alive in America and has been existing for the past several decades.  We as a people have to stop being so gullible and begin to question certain scenarios that are presenting themselves on a regular basis.  We must being to notice the similarities in the TOP news stories, but most importantly we must balance the way the original man is being portrayed all over the globe.  Over the last several months I’ve witnessed stories compiling and being over emphasized on major Media outlets, but to no avail has there been a Media outlet to offset this agenda with positive characteristics of the original man.  When will enough be enough? 

It’s going to take a collective effort from us – The PEOPLE, the MOORS, African Americans, and Black Folks to change this perception.  It’s up to US to offset how the world is viewing us.  It’s time for a correction, and a mandate that WE will no longer tolerate being abused and misused in the MEDIA.  It’s TIME to take a STAND and take action!!  You can do something daily, and or weekly to help our Image.  Start with posting, sharing, tweeting, and or blogging a positive perspective, IMAGE, and characteristics of OUR MEN!  Start today by posting a positive IMAGE to one of your social media networks, share this blog to spread the word.  The POWER is in numbers, and with PEOPLE who take ACTION!  Be a conduit of CHANGE!  Peace & LOVE,

The CREW Royalty Chronicles



Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Friendships are Treasures

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Friendships are Treasures

Having GOOD friends is the BEST gift one could ask for in life.  Everyone that has a core group of people in your life that you TRUST whole-heartedly… LOVE on them, UPLIFT them, Encourage them, and look for the Good!!  If you look for the Bad and Ponder on the Bad then that’s a SAD state of mind in my opinion.   If there is no good then move on.  It’s not that difficult.  Life is too short to be negative, to be controlling… Let friends FLY, let them LOVE, and let them be FREE to Explore… that’s what friends are for:  To be there when needed, to lend an ear, and to help make things clear.

I got some down friends who I love DEARLY!  I’m glad to have a circle of Women who genuinely look out for each other, laugh with one another, confide in one another and have each-others back.  Life is GOOD when your CORE is good!!  Shape up, Re-examine your Circles, YOUR core of friends and see if you feel the same way.  It’s okay if your friends have vices; everyone is here to live their own life… LOVE them for who they’re and the energy they bring to the table.  Never get caught calling the kettle black because everyone has something then can extract… Change is good, but unconditional LOVE is BETTER.
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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Signs & Symbols

Signs are all around us.  They grab a hold of our attention, they instruct us, they warn us, and mature us, they bless us, and mold us.  Signs can also be symbols, a symbol with multiple meanings which makes this old proverb ring to be so true, “Eyes that look are common, but Eyes that see are RARE."   So many subliminal suggestions, so many signs, what does it all mean?   Is it a sign of the times?

I know we live in a time-space-reality where our thoughts are things and we can exercise our GOD Essence to speak our Reality into existence. Understanding this essential GIFT will make away to a LIFESTYLE you have dreamed about.  We all possess this ability; so I ask, what have you spoken into existence?  How have you utilized your POWER to advance yourself, your goals and your vision?  The time is NOW for you to SPEAK life, speak LOVE, speak HOPE, speak and visualize CHANGE.  I Challenge you to Shake your FEAR, embrace change, and speak the life you want to see for yourself, your seeds, and your next generations will SOW good seeds.

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Monday, July 22, 2013

It's TIME to UNIFY!!

In light of the Trayvon Martin verdict it is in our best interest to unify our Purchasing Power NOW!! Collectively, we have the ability to change the economy in America.  We have the POWER to make a shift and to command the attention of the world. 

On July 23, 2013, a public announcement has been made for all the supporters of Trayvon Martin to wear all black clothing, and not to spend any money.  Do you know the impact this will have on the economy?  A significant effect, they may not report it on the News, but TRUST me it will hurt.  We should consider doing this weekly or bi-weekly until we create change, then establish a Trust account and start using the funds for re-building and re-structuring our own communities. 
Let’s begin to focus our attention on where and how we’re spending our dollars.  When entering a store do you look for your Nationality first, or do you just spend with whomever?  We have to begin to be more conscious of who we’re patronizing, supporting and advancing. This is what you’re doing when you give your dollars and energy.

I challenge you to become aware of the “Black” own businesses in your area.  Look in a mile to five mile radius and begin supporting these businesses regularly.  We MUST dis-spell the crab in the bucket syndrome and it starts with you, it starts with me, it begins with US!!   Did you know in the "Black" community we don’t even recycle the dollar one time?  Not one time!  This ZERO percentage is an effect of our inability to focus on supporting each other.  We’re all guilty of this action, but it MUST change.  It takes a village to raise a child, it takes a community of supporters to grow and expand. 

Not long ago we as a Nation established one of the most lucrative communities in America called Black Wall Street located in Tulsa, Oklahoma.   Twenty-Three blocks of businesses of all kinds, and our dollar circulated for up to one year before leaving our community.  I’ve provided the link to educate you if you were unaware of our collective mindset that made us a beacon of light for the World to follow.  Click the link to watch the documentary at 

In support of my blog, please help me spread this message by posting on it on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media network.  Share it with your family, your children, and friends.  Our lineage is a ROYAL bloodline and much sooner than later the World will show you who you’re.
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Peace and Love,

The CREW Royalty Chronicles


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm GRATEFUL Today and Forever...

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I’m GRATEFUL today & forever,

I LOVE the Most HIGH,

I’m Grateful for my Family & Friends,

I LOVE my Scholars,

I’m Grateful for communication, for sharing, and discussion.

I keep my ears OPEN and my eye on the PRIZE.

I’m GRATEFUL for the visionaries in my life, and for brainstorming,

I attract Abundance,

I’m Grateful for appreciation, respect, and TEAM work.

I will always do my part,

I’m GRATEFUL for positioning, dedication and DISCPLINE.

The BEST is yet to COME!!!
All Rights and Liberities Reserved







Saturday, January 5, 2013

Waters of NEW...

“Days are getting colder, but the REMINANT is getting Bolder; standing Shoulder to Shoulder to banish the BEAST.  Miss me with your satanic history, mysteries and double tongue speech.  I reject your deposit!  Shine a light on you to wipe out your thoughtless process.” Excerpt of Waters of New – All Liberties and Rights Reserved.

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