On July 23, 2013, a public announcement has been made for
all the supporters of Trayvon Martin to wear all black clothing, and not to spend
any money. Do you know the impact this
will have on the economy? A significant
effect, they may not report it on the News, but TRUST me it will hurt. We should consider doing this weekly or
bi-weekly until we create change, then establish a Trust account and start
using the funds for re-building and re-structuring our own communities.
Let’s begin to focus our attention on where and how we’re
spending our dollars. When entering a store
do you look for your Nationality first, or do you just spend with
whomever? We have to begin to be more
conscious of who we’re patronizing, supporting and advancing. This is what you’re
doing when you give your dollars and energy.I challenge you to become aware of the “Black” own businesses in your area. Look in a mile to five mile radius and begin supporting these businesses regularly. We MUST dis-spell the crab in the bucket syndrome and it starts with you, it starts with me, it begins with US!! Did you know in the "Black" community we don’t even recycle the dollar one time? Not one time! This ZERO percentage is an effect of our inability to focus on supporting each other. We’re all guilty of this action, but it MUST change. It takes a village to raise a child, it takes a community of supporters to grow and expand.
Not long ago we as a Nation established one of the most lucrative communities in America called Black Wall Street located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Twenty-Three blocks of businesses of all kinds, and our dollar circulated for up to one year before leaving our community. I’ve provided the link to educate you if you were unaware of our collective mindset that made us a beacon of light for the World to follow. Click the link to watch the documentary at http://youtu.be/a8_YpGy9-ak
In support of my blog, please help me spread this message by posting on it on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media network. Share it with your family, your children, and friends. Our lineage is a ROYAL bloodline and much sooner than later the World will show you who you’re.
Peace and Love,
The CREW Royalty Chronicles
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