IN HONOR of The GREAT Dr. Sebi
I would like to take this opportunity to honor the late, GREAT Dr. Sebi. I’ve listened to many of his informative lectures and I’ve applied a lot of his wisdom to my life. I was devastated to learn the stories surrounding his sudden death. In a world of technology and going “LIVE” for the World to see; why were the Children of the Sun neglected to be told our World Healer was incarcerated? Incarcerated and suffering in his health, so the articles tell us. I propose the question WHY? Why was this incident kept silent? How could the Country of Honduras allow this to happen? So many unanswered questions that lead to the unknown and ultimately anger. But, since we know anger changes our bodies chemical balances we must re-direct it into something powerful, productive, and advantageous. A question to the Media: Why do deaths continue to happen with no realistic explanation? I’m applaud at the insult to our intelligence, all the murders of Holistic Doctor’s, and Melanated people in United States of America; especially within this last year.
However, as a learning student of Dr. Sebi, I’m grateful to know the real from the fake. It helps your discernment. Eating alkaline foods helps you become a better person opposed to genetically modified organisms aka GMO. To support and take his herbal creations to DETOXIFY your body is one of the best methods for cellular improvement. To listen, learn, and apply his teachings is a gift from God. Dr. Sebi was a healer, teacher, mentor, and a survivor. He spoke truth to power and moved around the world accomplishing his mission without FEAR and I admired him for that.
I’m honored to have been in contact with his office during a food poisoning incident. His daughter took the time to speak to me and tell me what I should be eating and drinking. She enlightened me on nectar juices and spring waters and I’ve been applying her teachings ever since. Somethings in life you have to apply and take heed too because you never know when the person who provided and delivered the wisdom will be moving on or be gone.
Food for thought: Dr. Sebi on The Rock Newman Show: (See link)
Salute to all the Dr. Sebi students across the globe. Those that believe and know that the herbs are here for the healing of a Nation. We must realize WE ARE that NATION! We must continue to keep Dr. Sebi’s teachings alive by honoring his nutritional guide and supporting his products. Well-being should be the order of the day.
Dr. Sebi’s food to eat: (See link)
I pray for peace, health, love, and wealth to all those who are mindful of the sacred teachings of Dr. Sebi. My prayer is his transition was painless yet POWERFUL, and that whatever happened to him the truth will be exposed and all measures taken to make the wrong RIGHT; by any means necessary.
Peace & Love to the Truth Seekers & Speakers,
CREW Royalty Blogger
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