Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"It's High TIME to Exercise YOUR Essence"

Exercise Your Creator’s Essence -- Your Higher Essence -- Your Moorish Essence

Subliminally Speaking – our third eye is leaking! In-between your brows…
You gotta know your essence is PROFOUND.
Raise your head high -- and stop looking at the ground.

You have the ability to speak your dreams into reality – Through your crown chakra that is... Some say the Pineal... Google it, read about your capabilities… Tune into what makes you excel.
Nothing can stop your ability to propel.

The ability to speak your dreams into reality and blocking false theologies, mythologies and statistics. This defacto corporation is ridiculous.

Bust out a dictionary if I don’t get specific or creep over your head. This poetry is written to re awake what’s been mislead or dead.

Focus on mediation. It’s time to separate the wheat from the tier... Most people live in fear. A spirit we never had! Being chosen you must be glad.

Once the curtain falls you’ll see you’ve been had. Some maybe sad, but it’s time to get mad! There’s always time for peace, but now it’s time for WAR, a time to rise and a time to SOAR.. Your energy forever MOOR.  Stand and declare what’s yours. Your Nationality is time to get it back.

We are the chosen it’s as simple is that… your melanin in your skin is a representation of that, a fact. Be proud of this and never ever retract… It’s a representation of the true essence of creation. Stand on your square and FACE every nation.

We are Royalty! The entire CREW. Stand for what you believe and speak it until it comes TRUE.

Peace and Love to the Original Family,

Kindle Leather Cover, Black (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle)

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010


In this day and time I think it’s imperative we re-evaluate what is a friend and the purpose of friendship. My definition of friendship is Two or more compatible beings who share their experiences without hesitation; someone you can open up to and not feel ashamed about what happen to you or what situation you were just presented with or involved in.

A friend is someone you can laugh with, cry with, go out and toast to the sky with.

A friend knows your style, your type… will text or call no matter the time of the night.

A friend is encouraging; a friend stands in the gap! A friend with no doubt will ALWAYS have Yo’ BACK.

A friend is special. A friend is trustworthy. A friend is always with you on your journey. A friend corrects you when you’re wrong. A friend is someone you can lean on. A friend is someone you always want along.

Friends can agree to disagree. Friends can agree to see what the other sees. Friends are down for whatever… True friends will always be together.

Love many, but trust few… Your friends will always show their 100% true.

By Ceia White
All right reserved

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Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest Generation                                                   

Kindle Lighted Leather Cover, Black (Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display Kindle)

The Girl Who Played with Fire                                                                                           

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Look GOOD in a CREW T.

The inspiration of my T-Shirt Apparel line is our blood line ~ Royalty!  It's also for people who have Confidence, Ambition, Swag & Drive.


Represents my urban fiction novel titled The CREW
coming soon on my website: at http://www.thecrewisroyalty.com/

Get ready for the ultimate CREW experience.

You can order a T at http://www.paypal.com/
use email: thecrewisroyalty@gmail.com
Early Bird Special: Free shipping if your order before 9/30! 
Cost $15.00
ORDER yours today!
see a sneak peek: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/The-CREW/120326321341797?ref=ts
Thanks for your support!
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting IN where YOU fit IN!

Getting to it!  Getting it in!  Getting where you need to be... Is this your reality?
Getting going!  Getting it done!  Getting it completed... Is this how it's won?
Getting space!  Getting grace!  Getting laced... Is this the race?
RecoveryGetting loud! Getting proud!  Getting paid!  Getting shade... Is this how it's played?
Getting grown!  Getting toned!  Getting shown!  Is this the way to the throne?

Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Is what you see what you get?

Or is what you speak destine to exist?

The 3rd Addition Black’s Law Dictionary

Defines Perception as ~ to take possession.

A definition of possession is ~ control of ones emotions and actions.

Scriptures teach us ~ as a man or woman thinks in his or her heart so is he or she.

Some Scholars teach ~ when you look at situations differently then situations change.

Could these very principals be used to change our current reality?

Is our outlook our input?
Are we what we eat?
Is so above so below?
Is our perception molding our reality?
Is our current state based on our thoughts and speech?
Do we attract what we project?

Do we as indigenous people of this land have the capability to change our conditions, situations and finances based upon our thoughts & speech?

Are thoughts things?

How will we ever know? If we are unwilling to do something different, if we are unwilling to change some bad habits, if we are unwilling to speak life over death, if we are unwilling to speak our destiny into existence.

The POWER is in our tongue, our brains, and our essence. We have to shift from being unwilling to changing willingly. Change is the only constant principle we see day-to-day. I encourage anybody reading this blog to consistently change your perception and speech to what "YOU" want to see in your life, and the laws of the universe will shift in your favor. Be consistent and EMBRACE change, and become the change you want to see in the world!
Peace & Love,


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Friday, July 16, 2010

Seven Healthy Foods

~Seven Healthy Foods ~

1.  Whole Wheat & Grain and Brown Rice
2.  Cherries - All natural pain killer
3.  Yogurt - An immune booster.
4.  Wild Salmon & Tuna - High in Omega 3's.
5.  Cabbage or Cold Slaw -- Protects against breast cancer, lung, stomach, and colon cancers.
6.  Walnuts -- Good for the heart and in Omega 3's.
7.  Blue Berries -- Keeps your mind sharp.

Enjoy a healthy life style by adding some of the right foods during the day & afternoon.
Be Blessed, Strong, and Pro-active.
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Birth vs Birth Certificate...

Birth -- Birth is a Beautiful Blessing from our Creator.  It's a remarkable bundle of joy that reflects both parents.  A development only the wisest of wisest could create.  On the other hand, what is a Birth Certificate?  The obvious is most 14th amendment citizens of the United States of America have one, but what does it mean?  According to Wikipedia it originated in the United Kingdom in 1853.  So I have to ask what were we doing prior to this date to record our existence?  I have to further explore if the Birth Certificate was introduced in the United State of America in 1933 and the gold and silver was called in -- in 1933, what is the similarity?  Could the Birth Certificate be an instrument for trading? A merchant certificate? A bond?  A systematic approach to document the bloodline of the indigenous people of this land?  Is the Birth Certificate an undisclosed value of our life expectancy?  What do the red numbers mean on the back of it?  What is actually being traded on Wall Street?  What is Chattel?  Is it possible for a Birth to be flipped upside down for a profit through a Birth Certificate?  The CREW will explore deeper into this subject matter... Stay tuned.   
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Friday, July 9, 2010


What if you won the lottery?  What if the Banks closed?  What if the water supply was low?  What if real money was gold?  What if everything you believed was a lie?  What if what you learned made you cry?  What if you were the Creator?  What if this thought made you GREATER?  What if life had more meaning?  What if you woke up and found out you were always dreaming?  What if we lived on the otherside?  What if you had more DRIVE?  What if your aurora illuminated a positive vibe?  What if we united?  What if we were liked minded? What if some stayed blinded?  What if we spent our dollars with one another?  What if we built commerce like no other?  What if we all started linking up?  What if this state of mind began to erupt?  
What if...?

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What is Love?

Is love at first sight?  Is love a feeling that feels so right?  Is love a magnet that draws two back together?  Is love for better or whatever?  Is love many forms and fashions?  Is love a physical attraction?  Is love knowing before you speak?  Is love the essence of the original human being?  Is love something to cherish?  Is love worth embarrassment?  Is love a feeling deep in your stomach?  Is love something you can avoid?  Is love to disagree?  Is love a feeling of unity?  Is love missing from your life?  Is love having a husband or wife?  Is love with the women who touches you all night?  Is love held hostage in your heart chakra?  Is love flowing smoothly without a pause?  Is love temporary or for a cause? 
Let Love flow freely from your soul... It's a part of your being that helps you grow -- to understand -- and to know that LOVE is the essence our Creator has bestowed.
Peace & Love... 

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Creativity & Originality

The expression of creation is the ability to allow a higher frequency to work through you. The God in you... to operate and express itself to the world. The Creators personal signature to work through you. To have creativity is to know it... It's a thin line between creativity, originality, confidence and arrogance. Like in HIP HOP; MC stands for most confidence... most creative.  Which one are YOU?

I encourage you to find your sense of creativity and express it. Walk in your purpose and be original. Talk about what you "CAN" do... cause when you walk it and talk it... it will be attracted to you and it will manifest in your life.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Daily Affirmations -- Positive Reinforcement!

It's important as indigenous people of this land to begin to meditate on positive affirmations.
Start in the Rutter which is the first 20-30 minutes of the day when you open your eyes; your mind is in an Alpha state, and begin to speak positive words of affirmations over yourself, your children and your household.  Write it down and post it up!  Begin a ritual, a habit of feeding your subconscious mind positive food for thought daily and you will begin to attract your very thoughts into your life.  It's the power of our minds that allow us to speak whatever into existence.  I challenge YOU... you reading this blog to do something different.  Start your day with something positive before you do anything in the morning and you can advance to the evening right before you go to bed.  Get on your square first and then indulge in what the day has prepared for you.  It's time to change our subconscious mind -- which in turn will change our life. 
Peace & Love

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

The meaning of Friendship.

What does friendship mean to you?
Is it respected in 2010??
A friend is someone who has your back any given moment of the day.
I friend picks you up and keeps you on point.
Friends see eye to eye and can agree to disagree.
Friends are people you can count on in the clutch.
A friend shares their plate.
A friend shares their vision.
A friend is a shoulder to cry on.
A friend is a shoulder to stand on.
Friends are tight-knit!
A friend is someone who never quits.
A friend knows you.
A friend grows too.
A friend is a Blessing!
Be grateful for true friendships.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Short Sale Specialist.

If you need assistance with your home..
If your upside down with your Mortgage...
Or ready to walk away...
Need to stop your foreclosure...
Short Sale Specialist to the rescue
Call Now!
Call 770-480-1128, Ceia White
Call 678-576-9120, Bruno Parker
Experienced Real Estate Brokers at your service.


The CREW --
A long overdue URBAN novel about:
Friendship, loyalty, planning and getting it in by any means necessary.
Spread the word -- Stay tuned and abreast of the 2010 Fall RELEASE of...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Crew is Royalty

It's time for us to begin to pursue our dreams, goals and aspirations.With the days moving at the speed of light how are we going to make a difference.It's time out for games... and time for us to go within! Change is the most essential function we all can do to grow to a common goal and a common ground.