Friday, November 4, 2011

It's TIME to Peel the Wrapper BACK on the RAP GAME

It’s Time to Peel the Wrapper Back

On the RAP GAME.

By The Crew Royalty Chronicles 

As I sit back and listen to TRUE HIP-HOP I ponder how the content and lyrics have changed over the years.  Some for the better and a lot for the worst; I must admit.  But what I miss most about TRUE HIP-HOP is the very essence of the craft and the ability for an MC to paint a vivid picture of their life experiences and situations on wax, or rather CD’s.  I grew up to statements like, “Don’t push me cause I’m close to the edge, Fight the Power, It’s Like that and that’s the way it is, and Be a Father to your child.”  Messages that uplifted and embraced current circumstances and issues that were arising in our communities, our neighborhoods, and States, Coast and Burroughs.  What happen to shining the light on the problems that plague us?  Since we got 99 problems and a female ain’t one.   What happen to the BOLD messages that call out the powers and principalities of this World?   Is it mums the word because our President is Black?  It’s these same powers that command the attention of the masses to move to the rhythm of their DRUM.  Do you like the beat of their DRUM better than you like your own internal beat? Can’t you feel something is off balance?   

We’re in the days where we have Money to Blow, or we Blow it like tissue, or we got Racks on Racks on Racks.  Now don’t get me wrong, because I LOVE a hot beat on a HOT track and I have nothing against any artist I have quoted. I could literally go on for days about how my brothers got it like that on wax and many in reality, but the real fact of the matter is a small portion of you have it to throw, blow and show; but the masses of your brothers and sisters are suffering.  Which brings me to my second question: Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?  The lyrics of today are about popping bottles, red bottoms, money, hoe’s and clothes and jewelry.  I can’t forget the jewelry, “The Bling-Bling!” If it’s FAKE or even if it’s the real deal you’re enticing someone less fortunate to step to you for all the wrong reasons.  Then who you going to call to get your chain back?

Personally, I feel a lot of the music lacks the substance of the real issues at hand, like the World Wide Revolution going on right in front of your eyes.  So I have to ask again, is it mums the word because our President is Black, or because you have been programmed to deny what’s going on around you?  I’m a straight shooter and I like to cut to the chase, so let me make this as plain as I can.  Is it just me out here witnessing that most of the music in HEAVY rotation has no affect on what’s going on?  Well let me do the honors of bringing you up on Millions occupying their streets, where you might get car jacked in broad daylight if that part can bring someone a knot.  Where your door can get kicked in if your grass is manicured and a Range is parked in front, or better yet, the Sherriff may roll up on you and yours and put your belongings to the curb.  In the State of Georgia, specifically Gwinnett County foreclosures are at an all-time high.  An epidemic and the percentages are soaring through the roof. (

The News relays messages about the behavior all around the world, but will not point out the common factor to the cause of the behavior.  For every reaction there is an ACTION!  When you turn on your television you’re turning on a negative frequency that bombards your subconscious mind with images of inferiority, low self-esteem and depression.  You’re putting yourself in a position to take in all this negativity either first thing in the morning, or in the evening before you rest your eyes.  Listening to The News coupled with the radio programming when do you give yourself time to hear or read something positive?  Many are witnessing a decay in the very fabric of this Society, natural disasters, a subdued economy, assassinations, plots, massive robberies, car thefts, rituals, and vandalism, but when I turn on the radio all I hear is money this and money that.  Contrary to what the speakers are saying, and these contracted radio hosts, when I talk to REAL people about their financial situations and their economic outlook I hear it’s hard in the PAINT, It’s REAL in the field, and gas prices are outrageous, and food prices are running a close second.  Is it boiling down to gas or groceries out here?  Millions are living check to check or behind on their mortgage payments or facing foreclosure.  These situations are very different from the reality most of the RAPPERS want to project to the world.  Can someone RING THE ALARM?? WE ARE IN A STATE OF AN EMERGENCY!!   

What is it going to take for the real lyrical content to be presented to the masses?  Will it be blogging??  Will it be Independent artist?  If so, will we support these artists who bring the TRUTH?  Or do we like to be entertained with fiction?  Better yet how is the fiction or non-fiction of someone else’s life advancing you and your family?  We have to DEMAND better.  Where my LEADERS at?  Where’s my Ride or Die Familia?  Where are the outlets that support the other side of the coin, the other side of the scenario?  It’s time for us to balance the scales and give the people both aspects of this reality. 
While many say Atlanta is the Black Hollywood, there was a report disclosed that the margin between the Wealthy and the Poor is the largest in the State of Georgia.  So is “Black” Hollywood an illusion?  Wealth is for your bloodline not a temporary fix for the next G6, Maybauch, Mansion, etc... It’s for your seeds that are here and for your seeds to come.  It’s so your Heirs can chart their own destiny and not be in bondage by an oath or a contract.  Your Wealth should be transferrable to your descendants to secure peace of mind and freedom to allow them to create and dominate.  Sometimes I think the money aka Federal Reserve notes must exchange mindsets so the very function of the currency will be put to good use for the betterment of Humanity as a whole.  It’s Time to PEEL the WRAPPER back on the RAP GAME and let the REAL Leaders take the stage.   

Peace, Love & Light… many of us will get out!

All Rights Reserved, The CREW Royalty Chronicles

[v., uhp-lift; n.,uhp-lift]

(v.) To lift up

(n.) Lifting up

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