It is important for us to realize that people can love you for what you offer and hate you for who you are and what you represent. In America we watch the most phenomenal Athletes perform outstanding athletic abilities in the arena of sport and play with thousands of cheering fans. They clap, they stomp their feet and scream, and rock their jerseys, but the question is do they LOVE the person doing the task, or do they LOVE the sport and play and the excitement of the event?
It sounds insane to ask, to separate the two but reality shows us through the demonstration of JUSTICE or taking a stand for the injustices towards a people can separate the Wheat from the Tier. The NFL protest is a PRIME example of these actions. In the face of HATE we see a majority of the fans LOVE what the players do on the field, but the humanity aspect of the people the players represent can be killed, slandered, accused, terrorized and dehumanized all over the world. Not so much as peep, a word, or protest in regards to these actions or crimes against humanity of a different hue.
If taking a knee will disrupt the NFL's economy to the point the Owners of some of the teams come out and address the players with threatening repercussions is a sign the mentality is Us over you. To disrupt the Freedom of Speech and Protest is against the Constitutional Rights of the players. To set a mandate for your players to avoid the act is more like a controlled mechanism rather than allowing the freedom of expression. What if all the NFL players decided not to play for several weeks? A collective effort to take a knee together? Then what would you say? Would you cry out like Papa Johns pizza about the decline in your sales? You see when you pinch the pocket of the cash flow you get a response. You get the strong arm, you get the true identity of the person.
To LOVE the excitement more than the human being is a major problem. The compassion towards life has left the moral fabric of a lot of human beings in this world. We have to respect the opinion of players and the people especially if they are displaying compassion for the people experiencing this brutality. We have a real issue in this Country and sometimes it takes the People to make the necessary changes to correct it. Many have suggested starting another Pro League. Not the XFL, but a League that represents the people who are the majority members, allowing those to have the right and courage to speak up and out against the injustices that plague this Countries indigenous people.
We must demand the change and allow the Universe to receive this message so it will land on the heart and ears of the people who can make this happen. May the force of change be with you, may it be with us. Share this message and let's make this change happen. A New League with new energy to develop a new economic platform for a new life while creating a new future for our generations to come. It's time to BREAK the Cycle.
Royal Blogger -
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