Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Awareness Codes - Pick a side!

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Distracted or Aware
The Awareness Codes part one

Distracted or Aware which one are you?  Pick a side!

According to the Webster’s Dictionary the definition of Distracted is Unable to concentrate because one's mind is preoccupied.  So the question is are you a person that is easily Distracted? And According to Google the definition of Aware is Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.  So the question is are you a person that is Aware?

A few Awareness facts I would like to point out to you is the World as we know it is changing at a rapid pace.  The way we live, work, and play will change right before your eyes if you chose the side of Distracted.  Put your phone down for a few hours and take a look around your inner city, your downtown area, and SEE the new development, the changes in transportation, and the constant building of corporate infrastructure.  I challenge you to look around and see what’s going on right before your eyes.  

Do you see Cranes? The building of skyscrapers? High-Rise condos? Extravagant stores and restaurants?  New arenas, and domes in the area of sport and play?  Do you see railroad/trolley tracks in the inner city? Uber and Lyft cars?  

Do you see people walking with their head down in their phones? The surveillance above your head and the flying drones?  

Are you guilty of having multiple connections streaming from your cellphone:  Watches, Headphones, Eye wear, Neck wear, everything beeping to keep you Aware?  Aware of what thou, inquiring minds want to know?  Welcome to the change and the separation of the “HAVE and HAVE NOT'S?”  

Did you know the Real Estate Market is thriving to the point that it’s a bidding war as soon as properties hit the market in a certain price range?  Is something brewing? Is it a true value increase or another bubble?  Real Estate is the backbone of the Society so pay very close attention to how it behaves.  

Bitcoin is surging.  Bitcoin is a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.  This is one of the electronic currency peaking in the stock market and is rumored to be spearheaded by China.  

Did you know the United States Corporation is indebted to China?  Will the surge in this currency trigger a war in Africa because the alternative currency will become more popular than the dollar?  Don’t get caught holding the bag it’s time to invest.

Gather your like minds and take action!  Envision a World functioning differently.  Invest wisely, protect your time, and learn, grow, and achieve a new way to do business to succeed.  

This message is for those who live in the REAL World and are not captivated by an illusion or a false perception of reality. Pay attention, maximize your time, TURN UP your Boss Mode and embrace the jewels in the Awareness codes. Stay tuned and share this post. Visit our website at thecrewisroyalty and read more explosive blogs.

Peace and Love,
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Royal Blogger


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