Wednesday, November 20, 2013

12 YEARS A SLAVE: Are you a SLAVE??

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12 Years a Slave…
I had the pleasure of going to see this movie over the weekend with my BFF.  As we sat and watched this experience unfold I had so many questions.  First of all, if you were FREE… how could you be KIDNAPPED, Beaten, and forced to take on another identity under duress?  We watched a learned man go from being a Husband, a Father, and true Father Figure to a Slave with only a first name. 

We watched Caucasians, “So called Slave Masters” force human beings to deny their ability to read and write, deny their birth place and there given name.  We watched Caucasians beat men and women into submission to accept this false identity and reality.  My mind quickly shifted, and I questioned how could one be FREE and have papers that indicated their freedom, but experience such abuse for twelve years?  I also pondered if the “Papers” they kept referencing in the movie were his Nationality papers proving his Moorish decent?  The “Papers” were never identified in detailed, and this topic might go over a lot of people’s head while watching the movie, but it caught my attention and it’s my pleasure to bring it to yours as a reader of this blog.  What are these infamous “PAPERS” in question and most importantly, why did'nt they adhere to the claims of freedom?

Kidnapping is a CRIME!! According to Black’s Law Dictionary to be Kidnapped is the forcible abduction or stealing away of a man, woman, or child from their own country, and sending them into another. It is an offense punishable at the common law by fine aud imprisonment. 4 Bl. Comm. 219. In American law, this word is seldom, if at all, applied to the abductiou of other per- sons than children, aud the intent to seud them out of the country does not seem to constitute a necessary part of the offense. The term is said to include false imprisonment. 2 Bish. Crim. Law,

According to Cornell University Law School: Title 18 USC 1201: Kidnapping:  (a)Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person, except in the case of a minor by the parent thereof.

In the body of the storyline we watched hundreds of FREE Men, Women and Children get Kidnapped.  How many people endured this type of life style, how many of our ancestors were Kidnapped and forced to provide a slave labor?  How many of our ancestors were beaten, killed, and disfigured by these acts of deceit, wickedness and cruelty? 
So many of our people are reluctant to see this movie due to the emotions it will stir up, but for me it was a decision to take heed to how the slave trade could have really began.  How will we know if we don’t LISTEN, and take notes?   How will we learn if we don’t open ourselves up to the TRUTH?  This movie is based on a true story… If we don’t learn from our own HISTORY, we will repeat it and HIS-STORY.  Knowing the TRUTH will SET you FREE.  My intentions are for these questions to spark dialogue, to open up the Universe to answer and provide details to what happened to our Heritage, our legacy and our Ancestors.  Go see 12 YEARS of SLAVE and pay attention to the deeper meaning of the movie that I've suggested to you.

Peace and Love,

The CREW Royalty Chronicles