Sunday, April 27, 2014


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The Buzz in the NBA is the racist comments by Los Angeles Clipper owner Donald Sterling regarding “Black People attending the games and Magic Johnson.”  If I could get right to my point of opinion; it’s really not about the comments Sterling made, but the reaction of the People who support this Organization.  Truth be told if a recorder was playing around a lot of so-called prominent business owners I guarantee this conversation would come up time and time again.  What we have to understand is from the HEART people speak and when you’re discussing topics that you feel passionate about within an environment you consider safe you will reveal your inner and deepest thoughts.  No holds bar, hands down the TRUTH of how you really feel.  So despite the notion the tape hasn’t be confirmed to be authentic you have to accept it when someone shows you who they are, and then it’s up to you to make the necessary adjustment.  In this case an ACTION to hit Sterling in his pockets is in order. 

If Donald Sterling doesn’t want "African Americans/Black People" at his Basketball games then DON’T GO!  We, The PEOPLE have the ultimate POWER.  We have the purchasing POWER to make or break any Organization, Association, and Corporation, simply by Demonstration.  Actions speak LOUDER than Words, so NOW what are you going to do about it?  My suggestion is to withdraw your energy and support from the Los Angeles Clippers and let Sterling wallow in his own words, EAT THEM; while he watches his profits decrease and his empire crumble to his feet.   It’s time for YOU the PEOPLE to take a STAND!!
Ceia White
The CREW Royalty Chronicles
@thecrewroyalty (Instagram) @thecrewroyal (Twitter) 
A Empty Seat Campaign hosted by The Game:
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