Monday, March 4, 2019

Is Loyalty Blind?

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The topic is... Is Loyalty Blind?

The definition of Loyalty is the quality of being loyal, and so we are clear the definition of Loyal is giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution  Now that we have defined the word we are asking about we can better determine if Loyalty can be blind.

A wise man once told me to always pay attention because truth and intention lies in the action.  We must not be swayed by what the mouth says because it can say anything.  It can sugar coat, it can exaggerate, it can lie, it can deceive, it can be silent.  But ACTIONS, now that speaks louder than words.  Watch the ACTIONS and move accordingly.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


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NEW Design Alert! #RoyalSociety is gracing the scene for 2019. It's going to take a lot of confidence to ROCK this Brand called Royal Society. Why? Because it's a part of the SHIFT! A change in the MINDSET and the way we conduct ourselves as Family and a NATION! When you know you come from Royal Stock and a Royal Priest Hood it shows. How? In your clothes! In your walk and in your talk, in your life and your surroundings. Can you imagine what a ROYAL SOCIETY looks like? Well I can! NO FEAR, NO LACK, HEALTH, WEALTH, LOVE, LAUGHTER, JOY, HARMONY, and UNITY! Pay attention to the changes or get left staying the same. #ShopRoyalSociety it's the NEW Reality!