Saturday, January 4, 2014


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Be Inspired,

Inspiration is defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, to do something creative.  It’s a feeling to do something, to utilize your ImagiNATION which is the most powerful Nation on the Planet.  Look around, not a brief glance but really look around and notice that everything you see was an idea, an inspiration:  A feeling, a thought, to create something, a manifestation of thought.  Honestly, it’s creativity at its finest. 
This Blog’s intention is to spark that creative vessel within you to have you focus on your desires of your heart, your talents and strengths and bring them to the forefront; bring them to the world.  We all have DREAMS of doing something, creating something by striving to become something better.  Start by stirring up your ImagiNATION, go within and write out your ambitions.  Make it plain so you can strive to produce your manifestation to the world.  Its power in thought, power in your tongue, power in your ImagiNATION, but it’s solely up to you how you utilize it.  The time is now for you to be INSPIRED.   
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It’s not who you know its who knows you. #crewroyalty

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